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Dive into Nimble CMS Training, where we offer comprehensive learning resources, from refresher courses to detailed Tutorial Videos. Each segment of our training is designed to help you understand and utilize CMS Modules effectively, empowering you in Website Optimization. Our Educational Resources are available on an easy-to-navigate Learning Platform, supplemented with regular Newsletter Updates about new Tutorial Production. Whether you're new to CMS Education or seeking advanced insights, our User Training caters to all levels of expertise in Website Management. We focus on enhancing your proficiency in our Content Management System, aiming to aid in Maximizing Website Use for your organization. Engage in Organizational Learning with our CMS Mastery resources, including in-depth Video Tutorials on Nimble Modules, to deepen your CMS Knowledge and skills

1:15 - Admin Dashboard
1:56 - Settings, Social Media and Keys
4:16 - Pages & Page Manager
5:50 - Page Settings
5:58 - Short URL / Alias
7:54 - Page Access Restrictions
8:19 - Meta, Head & Footer
9:36 - Take Page Offline
9:47 - Edit Widgets in Page Builder
10:46 - Navigation
13:48 - Blog
15:35 - Banners
17:57 - Content
18:48 - Hyperlinks
19:34 - Buttons
21:28 - Tags
21:45 - Users & User Management
22:52 - Blacklist
23:18 - User Roles
24:20 - Calendars
27:28 - Classifieds
29:55 - Directories
30:58 - Feeds (RSS)
32:15 - Forms
36:58 - Photo Galleries
38:00 - Payments (Stripe)
39:42 - Overview for Fast Editing